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It's night and the monsters are ready to bite! Defend your room against invading monsters using your trusty teddy bears and night lights. If the dark becomes too much, don’t forget to turn on your flashlight.

Night Night is a horror survival game with tower defense elements. Take on five waves of monsters by throwing teddy bears or setting up night lights to fire at the monster on your behalf. The player can also shield themselves using a flashlight, however it doesn't last long!

Release Date:

January 2018

Time Frame:

10 Weeks





Team Size:


Production Role:

Game Designer

Available On:

New Grounds

Night Night

Night Night

Play Video

Game Designer

As a first-time developer, Night Night became a project to learn. There are a thousand mistakes in this game from messy code to a level with no walls. And yet, I am really proud of this game. There are things I know I could have done better, but just finishing a game for the first time was just as important. In the ten weeks of development I learned:

  • Code in C#

  • Find good resources

  • Write and maintain a game design doc

  • Run tests and fix bugs

  • Put game design theory into practice

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